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revolutionary practice中文是什么意思

用"revolutionary practice"造句"revolutionary practice"怎么读"revolutionary practice" in a sentence


  • 革命实践


  • Stalin rightly says that " theory becomes purposeless if it is not connected with revolutionary practice "
    斯大林的话说得对: “理论若不和革命实践联系起来,就会变成无对象的理论。 ”
  • In his late years , marx turned his attention to orient , especially russia , which is the objective requisite of the age and that of revolutionary practice as well as the need of theoretic development and perfection
  • The active function of knowledge manifests itself not only in the active leap from perceptual to rational knowledge , but - - and this is more important - - it must manifest itself in the leap from rational knowledge to revolutionary practice
用"revolutionary practice"造句  
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